Retirement Savings Calculator

This calculator estimates how much you might need in savings and investments by the time you retire.

Enter the details below to find out whether you are on track!

Disclaimer: This calculator assumes a fixed inflation rate and investment yield and is only a guide. This calculator does not take social security or other forms of income into account. Seek advice from a certified financial advisor or financial planner before making any important financial decisions.

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Enter the estimated one-off expenses here.


Enter an estimate of how much you expect to spend when you retire (e.g. holiday, replace car, renovate house) between $0 and $1,000,000

Enter the estimated ongoing expenses here.


Enter how long from now when you expect to retire between 0 and 40 years


Enter how much you expect your yearly expenses will be each year (include food, bills, transport costs, home/car repairs, clothes, dining out etc.)


Enter an inflation rate between 1 and 10 % (typically between 2 % and 4 %)


To be conservative, estimate how many years you will need to support yourself (and possibly a loved one) by subtracting your expected retirement age from 90


Enter an earning rate between 4 and 12 % (typically between 6 % and 9 %)

You will need about $0
by the time you retire

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