Net Worth Calculator

Would you like to estimate your net worth? You’ve come to the right place!

Your net worth gives you a snapshot of your current financial health. It is the value of your assets (what you own) minus your liabilities (what you owe).

Leave values blank if you don’t own or owe the item in question.

Some entries might be difficult to estimate the value of. In this case, err on the conservative side – enter a lower amount than you think it might be worth.

Disclaimer: This calculator gives a rough estimate of your net worth. The results are only as accurate as the information you provide. Seek advice from a certified financial advisor or financial planner before making any important financial decisions.

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Enter your assets (what you own) here.

Enter the total balance in all of your bank accounts (e.g. savings and checking/transaction accounts etc.)

Enter the estimated value of your home if you were to sell it today

Enter the estimated value of your investment properties (combined total if more than one)

Enter the total value of your retirement funds (e.g. IRA, Roth IRA, ISA, superannuation etc.)

Enter the estimated sale value of all of your electrical appliances

Enter the estimated sale value of all of your IT equipment (e.g. PCs, laptops, network equipment etc.)

Enter the estimated sale value of all of your cars, boats, caravans etc.)

Enter the estimated sale value of all of your jewelry (watches, rings, necklaces etc.)

Enter the estimated sale value of any other assets (things you own of value)


Enter your liabilities (what you owe) here.

Enter the amount owing on your home loan

Enter the total amount owing on your investment property loans

Enter the amount owing on your car loan(s)

Enter the amount owing on your personal loan(s)

Enter the amount owing on your student loan(s)

Enter the amount owing on your credit card(s)

Enter the amount of any other liabilities you have (things you owe)

Total assets: $0
Total liabilities: $0

Your total net worth is $0

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